Saturday 5 November 2016

Vlogging: The 21st century epiphany

Sitting in my journalism lecture I can't help but wonder where this degree is going to take me in life. Yeah, I might end up becoming a journalist, a reporter, I could even go into PR or marketing, but will I enjoy it?

The idea of being a journalist sounds great don't get me wrong, but when there're so many different opportunities out there it's hard not to wonder 'what if?'

"vlogging, blogging and snogging"

What if I decided to study architecture instead? What if I went into fashion and marketing? What if I had beans on my toast this morning? Ahhh, so many if's!

Fashion and YouTube is what interests me most. I can spend hours watching and researching both... so wait... why not do something involving just that?

me pretending to vlog for the purpose of this post

So here I am writing my first blog post about having an epiphany, about how I potentially want to get into to something that most people my age are already doing - vlogging, blogging and snogging. Oh no, maybe not that...

On a serious note, I hope that whoever is reading this has enjoyed it and comes back in the future to read more. I also hope that if you do decide to come back there will be a lot more to read... not just this first post.

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